Monday 29 September 2008

Product Research - music videos

Elvis Presley - Jailhouse rock

Camera movements frequently used in this video were Long shots and Mid-shots. Long shots were used to allow the audience to see the dancing and setting where as mid-shots were used for a closer view on certain body parts of Elvis whilst dancing. The mise-en-scene was kept to a minimal, it was a white room with a metal framing that looked like jail, this allowed the audiences main focus to be on the dancing but allow them to understand where it was set by the simple framing. The shots were of long duration, which allowed the audience to enjoy the dancing. Typical conventions of a music video with dancing are shots of long duration at mid-shot so the audience can enjoy the dancing, it is also typical of the time period for music videos to have longer duration shots and less editing used.

George Michael - Faith
This video used mostly close-ups as the camera was focused on certain body parts or props within the video. This seems confusing for the audience but yet it is interesting as the colours are bright and contrasting making the image on screen interesting. Long shots are also used in the video this is so the audience can identify the main character as well as the main prop (jukebox). The duration of shots vary during the video dur to the pace of the music changing. in the beginning the durations are much longer as the music is building up where as during the video the pace is a lot faster therefore the duration of the shots get shorter. When the camera is moving to a different angle the camera pans off at a fast speed making the transaction smooth. The contrast of colours also have been edited making the colours sharper and more contrasting towards each other.

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

The shots of longer duration are probably indicative of the time the video was made rather than any particular audience pleasure to be derived from the dancing. If the director were thinking about the audience in this way then all modern music videos would linger longer on the dance sequences rather than cutting them up as drastically as they do. The C/Us on Elvis and his moves are very significant given his star image. C/Us on his hips would have been considered quite daring at the time of release.