Friday 26 September 2008

Audience Research - Questionnaire Results

Do you watch music videos?

15 out of 20 people said yes they do watch music videos, and most of these were aged between 9-45. This shows that my target audience ranges between 9 and 45 as people aged over 45 would not pay muich attention to a music video.

What do you find most appealing in a music video?

From my results it shows that most people find the performance a main factor in a music video, closely followed by costumes. This tells me that i have to focus hard on what costume I choose for main character and the performance this character gives.

Do you feel it is necessary for the artist to be present in the music video?

The majority of people said no they dont think it is necessary, this is helpful to me as i will not be having the artist present as he passed away 10 years ago.

1 comment:

DG said...

First question is a little black and white 'yes/no' and the age ranges and your arrival at your coclusions are a little vague. Try to be more precise and inject more rigour.
Second question is better and you engage with the findings in a little more detail however still a little too basic. You need to get into the habit of thinking more deeply about what you are doing so that being analytical becomes second nature to you.

Again-too simplistic entirely. We need more brainpower Danni!